Dash of Rose

A dash of rosy positivity

Monday, March 3, 2014

Deer & Doe for Spring

Deer and Doe is a french sewing pattern company that has style I am totally drawn to.  The designer used to work as a computer engineer and I think that has served her really well.  The patterns I received are beautiful, sturdy, simple, practical, and very straight forward.  She does everything from her home from folding the pattern, assembling the envelopes, and mailing them!  It is very impressive.
I wanted to buy like all of her patterns but I settled on three that I felt I would use frequently.

Airelle Blouse:

Chardon Skirt:

Belladone Dress:

These are the patterns I received in the mail from Paris, France!
They are so sweet.

I started working on one of the patterns and went with the Chardon Skirt because I found fabric I liked at Joann's recently that would work well with the pattern.  So far it has been challenging to find apparel fabric that I am really drawn to but maybe with practice I'll have a better idea as to what I am looking for and where to find those things.  The other clothes that have yet to be sewn will be a while because I ordered fabric recently online... and there's the whole work and life thing.

Well, I am pretty optimistic that this will turn out at least okay and I'm looking forward to putting this together!

These patterns and the other patterns I've purchased recently will be great for spring.   This is something to look forward as it is really cold here lately for some reason... again.  I mean, it's MARCH... shouldn't it be warming up now?  I saw my neighbor sweeping the snow off of his SUV today.  Literally.  With a giant broom, the kind you would use to sweep leaves off your driveway or to clean a large hallway at school.  I hope his car is okay and that he didn't sweep off paint too.  It looked like a struggle.

So glad my car is hiding in a garage right now.

Stay warm everybody... and look forward to spring!


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