Dash of Rose

A dash of rosy positivity

About Feier

My name is Feier (Pronounced "fair" ... that wasn't so hard now, right?)
I'm a 20-something consumer data analyst who loves color, all things wildlife, being outside, shopping, and anything shiny and pretty.  I like to keep busy, even after work, so I find a lot of opportunities in my life to create.  I went through years of spending my free time playing the piano, painting, crafting, drawing, etc... but then my life got consumed by high school... then college... then graduate school... then work...
Life was getting a little grey.

There is no time like the present and I wanted to live life with more enthusiasm.  I find that when I live life with more enthusiasm, time miraculously appears and I have this energy to actually pursue creativity, spend more time with my loved ones, and just enjoy my life more! School and work were just excuses I made for myself... now... NO EXCUSES!

So this is me, Feier, looking through rose-colored glasses, adding rosy positivity to my life by...
crafting pretty so/sewlutions, 
learning how to sew and craft better,
failing quickly and frequently (then laughing it off),

and smiling.

Tutorial for Pinterest Board Widget


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