Dash of Rose

A dash of rosy positivity

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Garden party dress complete

This is going to be a short post...

I sewed my first dress!

This is an extension of my previous post {Garden Party Dress: In Progress}

So this pattern is a digital pattern ... it required a lot of cutting and taping.

From reading what people say about digital patterns v. patterns that are already printed on very large thin paper people didn't seem to like the digital ones because the ones you purchase from sites like McCall's you can only print it 3 times during that one year after you download a special program to even open it with.

I don't know if I completely agree with them but so far the only major down side is that they may not come with instructions and the words can be difficult to read.  So... unless it is a really complicated pattern it's probably okay. I guess we'll see what happens when I use the digital ones I purchased that are like that.  The pattern for this dress featured here though does not fall into that category because it is actually very digital friendly and she had really well-written instructions.

This was right before I hemmed the dress and took care of the frays.

Ta-Da! The dress is done!
My friend was visiting the city for work so she came over to sew, I'd say she did really well with minimal guidance!

She chose a really nice pattern of fabric for this.  The post where I made the same purse before, Pleated Purse: Flying Away, includes some photos to help along the way to supplement the tutorial I found online.

Happy Tuesday!


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