It's already fall and I have not pursued this hobby of creativity nearly as much as I should have. I haven't completely neglected creative pursuits, but today I decided it was about time I did something to energize myself a little. There haven't been any projects that inspired me and that is probably because a lot of the projects I pursue serve a practical purpose as well.
A few weeks ago I caught up with some good friends at a nearby dairy farm for brunch and coincidentally (or maybe it was fate) there was a free wool festival going on at that location. First of all, I didn't even know wool festivals were even a thing. Second of all, sheep are so cute!
We had a wonderful time wandering around the tents, exploring the crafty offerings. I didn't know there was such a wide variety of wool.
We were completely taken by these Angora bunnies. They were incredibly soft, curious, and adorable! Bunnies were the highlight of the wool festival.
Since that little excursion I've been thinking about all the wool-y cuteness and remembered that I had purchased a wool felting kit a long time ago (maybe a year ago?).
I've been under a lot of stress over the past couple of weeks and had been struggling to find sufficient calm in my life. Creativity is a good source of this calm because it requires focus without the anxiety.
I'm very pleased with this felting kit and I already feel so much more at ease.
Simple packaging
Contents of the box.
When the contents were extracted, it looked more like the remains of a stuffed animal after encountering a dog.
The instructions were pretty helpful although there were details missing that might make it difficult if you follow the directions literally. At no point does the direction mention splitting the white wool meant for the body parts into the number of pieces (and their appropriate sizes) first.
I definitely recommend wool felting for an easy project, especially when you're in a "creative rut". I'd say that this project was pretty easy overall. Patience and good lighting (preferably natural/white light) is important because you don't want to poke yourself with the felting needle (pretty sharp) by accident and the white wool would be difficult to see in dim lighting.
I purchased my felting kit in a boutique in Louisville, but you can also purchase the woolbuddy kit online at this link.