Dash of Rose

A dash of rosy positivity

Thursday, June 22, 2017

Hiking and Camping Alaska: Favorite Gear

Hiking and Camping is a great way to connect with yourself, nature, and others.  I just got back from an invigorating two week in Alaska, embracing sleeping and wandering outside.  Considering the weather conditions varied a lot, and I was pretty remote at times, good gear is essential! I'm pleased with what I brought along with me and here are some favorites (that definitely helped keep me comfortable)! General Note: Technical...
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Sunday, July 3, 2016

Adventure into the Amazon Jungle

From what I can tell from the internet, solo traveling is on trend right now.  That's not why I went ahead with it though.  Now that I'm in my late 20s and on my way to 30 I've been feeling a bit "old."  I KNOW that this is not old at all. I haven't done anything particularly adventurous in a long time yet there are lots of things I want to do, places I want to see... and I really have No Excuse not to do those things.  There...
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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Osprey: for the "do it all" commuter

Life moves quickly, you want to multi-task, be healthy, work hard, play hard, find time to work out, look good, feel good.... Expectations are set pretty high! I don't currently commute because I now work remotely from home, but I do travel occasionally for recreation or for work. This week I've been spending most of the work week back at the corporate office and working from the new, more agile/modern space my organization just...
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Friday, February 12, 2016

Lovely mini pouches

I wanted to sew something quick and enjoyable so mini pouches were put together! The two tutorials I referred to: Heart Shaped Pouch Mini & Circle Zip Earbud Pouch Hooray! Now, the little items that get lost in my purse are much easier to get to :). Hoping more quick little projects help keep me a little more upbeat during this slightly gloomy winter weather.  Stay Warm! ...
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Saturday, January 23, 2016

2016 New Years Resolution: Be Your Best Self

January is coming to an end and I'm already feeling really good about this year.  At the end of last year I decided to make new years resolutions, ones that I feel really strongly about and am committed to see through.  I've wanted to do resolutions in the past but I was not ready and was not serious about them. As I've gotten older I've learned that many good things in life require a lot of effort and conquering challenges...
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Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Project Life

Happy New Year! I've been feeling extra nostalgic lately...I suppose now that I'm a year older, I have a little more years to be nostalgic about.  Sometimes this nostalgia turns into feeling a bit blue and during these cold winter months I believe it's important to make more of a conscious effort to be happier and brighter. The weekend after Christmas, Josh & I drove up to Illinois to visit his grandparents.  I always...
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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Festive and Cozy DIY for Christmas

I wasn't feeling very festive when December first began, even though I had already started purchasing presents.  Christmas shopping was festive activity #1. Festive Activity #2 was brought on after visiting with a friend where they celebrated Christmas early (day before Thanksgiving) as that was the only time until 2016 that my friend (& his new wife) and his brother would be home.  We helped decorate a beautiful Christmas...
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