Dash of Rose

A dash of rosy positivity

Monday, July 21, 2014

Lay-N-Go Cosmo: Travel Make-Up Organizer

I travel a lot.  That's not saying I'm taking vacations or anything, but I do live what feels like a double life going back and forth between Ohio and Kentucky.  Josh and I take turns doing the weekend drive back and forth, with the dog living in two states.

Maybe I carry more products than I should with me, but I do like to be prepared to look nice.  It is a bit of a hassle to keep things tidy, to pack things in a pack... unpack, re-pack... then there's the fear of make-up falling rolling all over the place and onto the floor.

I first came upon this product a few years ago, but originally I saw the Lay-n-Go Activity Mat for kids and their toys. 

Then I discovered the same concept for make-up and purchased the Lay-n-Go Cosmo Bag to accompany me on the many weekend trips (and hopefully an actual vaca soon?).

I keep my favorite make-up essentials in it, as well as some jewelry.  It is incredibly convenient, cute, and keeps everything nice and tidy.  It just takes 1-second to cinch it up and be on my way! Perfect for on the go.

The bag cinches up and has a little handle to carry it around with.

The bag even has a front little pocket! I'm not sure what it is for, so far I just put the little pouch the mat came with in it.


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