Dash of Rose

A dash of rosy positivity

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Foxy Pillow with a Bow: Sneak Peek

Hello, foxy!

I'm really excited about this bow pillow... and it is washable! So, essentially, it is a cover for a pillow.

 It is actually really easy to make though there are multiple points in the process where you can make some of your own decisions for customization and such.

This pillow really taps into my love of wild animals.  Foxes are one of my favorites! They're beautiful and elusive.  I don't see them very often, and when I do, it's usually a quick flash of red that catches my eye first.

Anyway, this is just a sneak peek because a tutorial will be on its way (I'm shooting for the next couple of days)... so check back! Or you can simply follow me (such as on my profile on bloglovin' so you'll know as soon as it's out).

Have a good night, everybody! 


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